Reforms in Flat Owners’ Associations: Problems and Solutions

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High-priority interventions in the reforms of blocks of flats with different owners (Flat Owners’ Associations).

The main elements encountered when reforming blocks of flats tend to be the façade of the building, the roof, and the interior spaces so as to improve access. Also included are restructuring of original elements, work to improve energy efficiency, and the restoration of the building. However, choosing an estimate which fits the necessities of the projected work is a difficult task.

“The biggest problem in Flat Owners’ Associations is getting all the owners to agree”

The variations and discrepancies in prices and services offered by different companies do not make choice easy. In most cases, owners resort to companies which have worked at other blocks of flats they know of, or they use price-comparers on the Internet, which lengthens the time needed for choosing an estimate, since the information isn’t clear, and there are always flat owners who place impediments in order to contract one or another company.

“Reaching a consensus requires the perspective of someone outside the Flat Owners’ Association”

An outside person can contribute valuable information and opinion for choosing one estimate or the other, or a company better suited to the type of work to be carried out. The fact of knowing the construction sector, and the different companies, is an advantage when gathering only those estimates of real interest to the flat owners. The drafting of reports on the life-history or activity of the company, and technical advice, can help to correctly choose the most advantageous option.

“It is important to know who is being contracted”

Flat Owners’ Associations tend to contract known professionals, who might not have the necessary experience for carrying out the planned work, or who lack all the legal requirements, or offer less economical prices, which may lead to certain problems.

“Some of the most frequent problems”

In the majority of cases, the commonest problems tend to be due to companies not making a detailed plan of the work to be carried out, and later encountering unforeseen difficulties; or they do not have a workplace hazard plan, or they provide an estimate with or without IGIC (VAT). Everything must be in order to ensure correct progress of the work.

In a word, if you are going to carry out reforms to your block of flats, you need to know what work is going to be done, and what kind of company is best-suited to the task. In some cases, property administrators, or companies and professionals specialized in advising on this type of activity can be of help.

Reforcan has the right professionals for every situation.

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